Trouble Shooting

In case shipowners are struggling with downtime or sub-optimum ship operation for existing ships, resolving issues fast and effectively is key to decreasing the environmental and financial consequences and impact on the shipping company’s reputation. We are known for our success in investigating and solving such cases. This is mainly down to our unique combination of measurement skills and the in-house simulation modelling capabilities which we also use for our design support services. Using this powerful combination is not only essential in cases where not all information can be obtained by measurements directly (think of fluctuating/peak stresses on the crankshaft of a running diesel engine). Simulation models are also essential for evaluating the effectiveness of solutions, and avoid going into an endless trail and error process. Please clink on the video link below for a case study demonstrating how we use simulation modelling and measurements for solving (complicated) cases.


To help shipowners/operators evaluate the reliability of their vessels themselves, our  ship structure and machinery health questionnaire has been made available for download below. Download  the document and submit the document to for our obligation free assessment and our recommendations for steps to be taken to eliminate the ground cause for any reoccurring structural or machinery component failures (gearbox, coupling or bearing damage, foundation and ship structural cracks etc.)  

Ship Structure and Machinery Health Questionnaire
Ship Structure and Machniery Health Ques
Adobe Acrobat Document 580.1 KB

Video presentation of a case study involving a balancing weight that came flying off a crankshaft of a main diesel engine.