Marine machinery and structural design, structural loading, reliability

Reliability and efficiency of marine structures and machinery is an important factor when considering costs and impact of operations on the environment. From a new-build and retrofit point of view we support ship and machinery designers making the right design choices for maximum efficiency and minimum likeness of structural or machinery failures occurring. Our design recommendations are based on our simulation modelling capability through which we predict dynamic stresses (vibration, peak, transient) in machinery and drive line parts or ship structures. 


Our specialization is developing simulation modelling techniques for structures and machinery designs that have never been built before and have to be capable of operating under dynamically extremely hash environments and for which off the shelf, standard finite element simulation methods will never work. Examples of areas where these models are needed is in the dredging industry (proud contributor to the design of the biggest rock cutter dredgers in the world) and in the renewable energy sector (wave and tidal energy).  

Simulation of torsional vibration behavior of a diesel driven drive line configuration for the study of gear hammer behavior in a toothed element on the far right end side of the model.

Zooming into the toothed element hammering behavior.