Machinery and structural condition monitoring

After eliminating all causes for premature failures or high turnover of machinery spare parts, we further increase ship reliability and decrease maintenance costs through our customized vibration-based machinery and structural condition monitoring solutions. The ability to remotely monitor the condition of machinery and structural health becomes increasingly important with autonomous shipping just round the corner and developments in tidal and wave energy generating equipment.


We distinguish ourselves from other condition monitoring providers in the ability to develop new solutions, both in hardware and in signal processing minimizing effort required by ship crew, maximizing the continuity of data flow, and increasing accuracy of time to failure prediction.


Unique in the market is our advanced structural health monitoring system where we log the effect of fluctuating and peak stress concentrations on structural health at structural hot spots based on data from only a limited number of vibration sensors and strain gauges. We use a combination of cleaver measurement signal processing techniques and capability to build digital twins of a structure (simulation modelling techniques) to obtain real time detailed dynamic stress information and log the effect of remaining fatigue life.

  • Healthy assets do not need to be dismantled for overhaul. This reduces docking time, money spent on spare parts and risk of machinery failure due to incorrect reassembly,
  • Any problems developing in assets can now be identified before they result in machinery failure. This prevents unexpected machinery failure increasing safety and efficiency of ship/machinery operation